I am trying to invoke an external webservice using the following NTLM configuration in switchyard.xml:
<sca:reference name="EngineSoap" multiplicity="0..1" promote="Route/EngineSoap">
<sca:interface.wsdl interface="wsdl/test.wsdl#wsdl.porttype(EngineSoap)"/>
<soap:binding.soap name="soap1">
<soap:contextMapper />
Looks like the ntlm credentials are not being sent to the webservice and hence the authentication is failing. Switchyard version that we are using is 1.1.1-p5-redhat-1. Can anyone suggest how to fix this problem?
Please note that I tried to invoke the same webservice using SoapUI and was able to authenticate using NTLM credentials as well as received a proper response from the webservice.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Guys,
I have also the same issue. Any suggestions on possible resolution?
Ângelo Costa