1. Re: How to add customer serverpipeline factory to switchyard camel netty component
igarashitm Dec 18, 2015 5:26 AM (in response to bhaskarsk)That's weird. At least the Camel URI binding should accept the parameter. Also all of the SwitchYard camel-* binding accepts any URI parameters via additionalUriParameters. Here is an example in camel-ftp quickstart:
switchyard/switchyard.xml at master · jboss-switchyard/switchyard · GitHub
What happen when you specify that parameter?
2. Re: How to add customer serverpipeline factory to switchyard camel netty component
bhaskarsk Dec 21, 2015 5:34 AM (in response to igarashitm)I am able to pass the serverPipelineFactory, but to inject the named bean it is not working.
URI is
And the bean class is annotated with
public class SampleServerChannelPipelineFactory extends ServerPipelineFactory {
private int maxLineSize = 1024;
I am getting the error
Caused by: org.switchyard.SwitchYardException: org.apache.camel.FailedToCreateRouteException: Failed to create route V1CamelUriBindingModel/Hello@camel1#-1685994905: Route[[From[netty:tcp://localhost:8878?serverPipelineF... because of Failed to resolve endpoint: netty://tcp://localhost:8878?&serverPipelineFactory=%23spf&textline=true due to: No bean could be found in the registry for: spf of type: org.apache.camel.component.netty.ServerPipelineFactory
I am attaching the project as well.
switchyard-example.7z.zip 13.0 KB