2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 6, 2016 9:09 AM by sivaprasad9394

    In RF 4.2.2 rendered attribute is not working for jsf tag panelGroup in .xhtml page




      Currently I am migrating my old application RF 3.3.3 version to RF 4.2.2 Version.

      The below code works fine in previous version and 4.2.2 Version not working.


      Here rendered="#{shortIdReport.rowCount > 0}" is not working in this Version.

      If i change the attribute to true then i could see the data table in the page.Also eclipse List size is displayed properly.

      Even i tried rendered="#{shortIdReport.isRowAvailable()}" no use it is not rendered the panel-group properly.


      Is this RF 4.2.2 Version Problem? How to resolve this kind of problem.




      <h:panelGrid columns="3" width="100%">
                              <rich:panel bodyClass="inpanelBody" headerClass="cycleborder"
                                          <a4j:commandButton id="reportingSI"
                                              value="#{messages.createreport}" type="submit"
                                              action="#{reporting.getShortIdReport()}" render="tableSI"
                                              <a4j:ajax render="tableSI" execute="label,fromdateSI,untildateSI"></a4j:ajax>
                              <h:panelGroup id="tableSI" rendered="#{shortIdReport.rowCount > 0}">
                                      src="/layout/tab_shortid_search.xhtml">    // This page Contains rich:dataTable and their column values.
                                      <ui:param id="dataSI" name="data" value="#{shortIdReport}" />


      public class Reporting implements IReporting, Serializable
      private List<CounterNameSummary> shortIdReport;
      public void getShortIdReport()
              final Query query;
              this.shortIdReport = query.getResultList();        
              if(this.shortIdReport !=null){
                  System.out.println("List Size >>>>>>>>>>:"+this.shortIdReport.size());   // Eclipse debug Console it is displaying as 274


      Eclipse Log:



      How to make the rendered working??.I know rendered is type of boolean.


      Thank you.