2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 7, 2016 10:15 AM by onimurasame

    Try Catch blocks get disrupted


      Hello all!


      Well this is my story.


      I've been playing around with Jboss Developer Studio to make myself a nice Jboss Fuse project.


      First I tried to make a simple Camel Route to consume from a queue transform the data using a Java bean then put it in another queue. As I managed to do that rather nicely, I began to put some exception handling inside my java bean and then the problem now I'm facing is that I can't seem to handle that in the camel route.


      I searched around and I came with this answer:


          <from uri="direct:start"/>
          <!-- here the try starts. its a try .. catch .. finally just as regular java code -->
              <process ref="processorFail"/>
              <to uri="mock:result"/>
                  <!-- catch multiple exceptions -->
                  <to uri="mock:catch"/>
                  <to uri="mock:finally"/>

      So after I nicely copied and pasted that into my camel route xml, the design looked like this:




      But after I went back to the source view of the route it turned (broke?) into this:


      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0"
             http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0 http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0/blueprint.xsd
             http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint/camel-blueprint.xsd">
       <bean id="numericTransformation" class="com.test.javatransformator.NumericTransformation" />
       <camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint">
          <from uri="direct:start"/>
            <process ref="processorFail"/>
            <to uri="mock:result"/>
              <to uri="mock:finally"/>
      And when I went back to the Design view it looked like this:
      And as you can see the catch is nowhere to be found and my route went kaput.
      What I'm doing wrong?
      PS: I'm using this version of Jboss Studio Version: 8.1.0.GA
      Build id: GA-v20150327-1349-B467
      Build date: 20150327-1349
      Any help would be very much appreciated!
        • 1. Re: Try Catch blocks get disrupted

          Hello Raul,


          thank you for reporting this issue. What you hit here is a known issue which will be fixed with the next major release of the Fuse Tooling which will be part of JBDSIS 9.


          See below screenshots which I took using your route.


          Bildschirmfoto von »2016-01-07 09-03-00«.png


          Bildschirmfoto von »2016-01-07 09-02-21«.png


          A Beta1 version of the JBDSIS 9 will be cut around end of Jan so you can test it then.


          I hope this helps.




          • 2. Re: Try Catch blocks get disrupted

            Thank you Lars!


            I'm really looking forward to test that version!


