1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 16, 2016 6:34 AM by mbabacek

    mod_cluster configuration for multiple JBOSS EAP Installs


      Hello Members,


      Below are the details of my environment



      Server-1 ( Red Hat Jboss Web Server 3.0.2)


      Server-2 ( JBOSS EAP 6.2.4)


      Server-3 ( JBOSS EAP 6.2.4)



      I have setup the mod_cluster on the Server-1 HTTP Server ( running on port 9080) to load balance the traffic for different applications to the JBOSS EAP clusters


      On Server-2 & Server-3 , I have  JBOSS EAP domain mode installation & JBOSS EAP Standalone ( the reason why i have a standalone is one of our application could not work on the domain mode it only works when deployed on the standalone installation)


      Application A with context-root /application_a running on a cluster group(jvm1 on server-2 & jvm2 on server-3)  that is horizontally spread across server-2 & server-3 of the JBOSS EAP Domain mode.


      Application B with context-root  /  (root context root) running on a EAP6 standalone cluster ( EAP standalone1 on server-2 & EAP standalone1 on server-3) that is horizontally spread across server-2 & server-3.


      I have setup the mod_cluster on the Apache as below and made the changes in the domain.xml  , now users are able to access application_a from the Apache server




      LoadModule proxy_cluster_module modules/mod_proxy_cluster.so

      LoadModule cluster_slotmem_module modules/mod_cluster_slotmem.so

      LoadModule manager_module modules/mod_manager.so

      LoadModule advertise_module modules/mod_advertise.so


      MemManagerFile "/weblogs/HTTPServerAptpDevCI/cache/mod_cluster"


      <IfModule manager_module>

          Listen XX.XX.XX.XX:6666

          LogLevel debug

          <VirtualHost *:6666>

              KeepAliveTimeout 60

              MaxKeepAliveRequests 0

              EnableMCPMReceive on

              ServerAdvertise off

              AdvertiseFrequency 5

              <Directory />

                  Order deny,allow

                  Require all granted


              <Location /mod_cluster-manager>

                  SetHandler mod_cluster-manager

                  Order deny,allow

                  Require all granted





      But my doubt is how do i write rules in apache conf file so that the traffic for all the context roots except ( /application_a) goes to the JBOSS EAP Standalone Cluster and only for Application A it goes to the JBOSS domain cluster.


      Thank you