2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 19, 2016 12:01 PM by fischman_98

    JPA Entities from Tables; Can't Select Tables; JBDS 9


      To All,


      I'm seeing this completed easily online, but I'm not getting it using JBDS 9 and trying to reverse engineer JPA->Generate Entities from Tables.


      How to generate entities from tables with Eclipse JPA Tools



      Is there a new way to do this.  Unfortunately, I am getting all schema's and I simply cannot figure out how to limit it to just one.


      I want this selection util but not getting it in my version of eclipse (obtained installing JBDS 9)



        • 1. Re: JPA Entities from Tables; Can't Select Tables; JBDS 9

          Hey Matt,


          Can you please detail the environment? Most importantly, what database are you using?




          • 2. Re: JPA Entities from Tables; Can't Select Tables; JBDS 9



            Let me see if I can put together all the details;

            • I am using Oracle 12c (driver ojdbc7.jar)
            • I installed JDBS 9.0.0.GA from this file; jboss-devstudio-9.0.0.GA-installer-standalone.jar
            • JavaSE-1.8 (jdk1.8.0_45)


            Note sure if this matters for this issue;

            • hibernate-entitymanager-5.0.7.Final.jar
            • hibernate-jp-2.1-api-1.0.0.Final.jar

            and all the other hibernate dependencies (using maven)


            As for the OS;

            • Windows 7 Enterprise


            As for the operation, when I set up the JPA project and then try to Generate Entities from Tables (right click Project->JPA Tools->Generate Entities from Tables), I get basically a confirmation page (see here), and no way to select schema/tables/etc.  Can you tell me if there is a way to get to the select schema/table page shown in the original post?

            Entities From Tables.png


            Please let me know if additional details would be helpful.


