1. Re: Infinispan with Wildfly
rvansa Feb 11, 2016 11:08 AM (in response to stejas7)http://infinispan.org/docs/8.1.x/infinispan_server_guide/infinispan_server_guide.html#_hot_rod
I would recommend you to first check out Infinispan documentation and afterwards ask if something's unclear; this saves both your and our time.
2. Re: Infinispan with Wildfly
hiteshr.umaletiya Feb 12, 2016 6:09 AM (in response to rvansa)rvansa I gone through document but I need same configuration with wildfly domain.xml and for that I require schema for endpoint.
Can you please help how to write endpoint subsystem for wildfly domain.xml?
3. Re: Infinispan with Wildfly
wdfink Feb 12, 2016 5:14 PM (in response to hiteshr.umaletiya)I think you talk about soemthing different.
You can use hotrod-client to access a cache remote in your application which is deployed in a WildFly server.
But it is not possible to configure a HotRod server within the WildFly domain configuration. The infinispan subsystem in WildFly is only for internal purpose (EJB-JPA cache, session replication etc) not for application caches.
Or am I wrong?
4. Re: Infinispan with Wildfly
stejas7 Feb 15, 2016 2:44 AM (in response to wdfink)wdfink Exactly,
We are going to implement cache server for client. Infinispan is provided all features which are our requirements(Like hotrod and RemoteCache).
but when we are going to create a windows services of domain.bat file.we stuck on https://developer.jboss.org/thread/267779
We found a another standared/preferred way of running infinispan from documentation.
On that bases we select an application server which provides Infinispan as a service (such as JBoss AS),so that reason we start working on WildFly.
As per ur reply its not possible to implement hotrod server within wildfly domain configuration.
Do you have any standared/preferred way which provides Infinispan as a service?
5. Re: Infinispan with Wildfly
nadirx Feb 15, 2016 2:45 AM (in response to stejas7)So instead of fixing a minor issue with service installation, you want to go for a more complex solution by re-creating an embedded server within another application server ?
This is a mistake, and understanding why Infinispan Server as a Windows service is not working should be the priority.