Hello. I am in process of upgrading my existing JBoss ESB installation
from 4.5 to 4.12. Once I deployed my .esb modules EBWS(Endpoint Web Service) to 4.12, I noticed the wsdl URL contains IP Address of hosted machine
when referencing .xsd.
Is there a way to replace IP Address with a domain name? I assume that this can be configured, But not sure where?
The following depicts my the situation where I would like to replace '' with 'www.mydomain.com'.
Current Result:
Snippet from WSDL of web service of EBWS(Endpoint Web Service) style:
<xs:schema targetNamespace="http://www.jboss.org/sayHi" version="1.0">
<xs:include schemaLocation=""/>
Desired Result:
Snippet from WSDL of web service of EBWS(Endpoint Web Service) style:
<xs:schema targetNamespace="http://www.jboss.org/sayHi" version="1.0">
<xs:include schemaLocation="http://www.mydomain.com:8080/Quickstart_publish_as_webservice_inonly/ebws/ESBServiceSample/HelloWorldPubService?wsdl&resource=request.xsd"/>
JBoss version: 4.12
Thank you in advance!