Modeshape - Infinispan - Sardine - Wildfly
muthunagu100 Feb 19, 2016 3:47 PMHello,
I am using Modeshape 4.4.0 in wildfly 9.0.1
I am using sardine.jar webdav API to store and retrieve PDFs
Using this setup to store PDF documents - about 15 docs - each 500KB - storing / retrieving one at a time
Infinispan config:
<local-cache name="artifacts" statistics="false">
<file-store fetch-state="false"
Sardine Code:
Sardine sardine = SardineFactory.begin("username", "password");
List<DavResource> resources = sardine.list("");
for (DavResource res : resources)
After a couple of days of usage, my Linux server crashed.
I am trying to figure-out the reason.
Could you help me with some info on the following?
1) Infinispan:
I read that I need to add the following to the infinispan config:
<locking isolationLevel="READ_COMMITTED"/>
<eviction strategy="LRU" max-entries="100"/>
- Would these solve any obvious infinispan issues?
- If I have to measure the infinispan cache size, how to know the cache space availability, current cache space used and where to specify the cache size.
- Also, is there a way to determine the Eviction "max-entries"?
- In my case, would the PDF documents be stored in infinispan or would the meta data alone be stored in infinispan cache?
- Also, is there anything specific that needs to be done in regards to TransactionManager Or, would wildfly handle it?
2) Sardine.jar:
I also read about modeshape that if the session is kept open for a longer period of time, the Modeshape server would crash.
I am using SardineFactory.begin("username", "password");
- Would this leave an unclosed session?
- Is there a way to close this session?
I couldn't find much information on closing the session from Sardine documentation