0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 23, 2016 8:17 AM by shmaph

    jBPM 6.3 - Does the REST API for process definition contain the forms definitions ?


      Hello to everybody,


      I would like to use REST API provided by 6.3.0-Final for getting the process definition data. I need this information for obtaining the process forms descriptions.

      The json attribute forms is empty each time for each deployed process.

      Does this feature is still supported in 6.3 (as in 6.2 it is) ? or should I configure something ?

      Is this a bug ?

      The response is the next:


            "id": "hiring",

            "name": "Hiring a Developer",

            "version": "1",

            "packageName": "HR.src.main.resources.kbase",

            "deploymentId": "org.jbpm:human-resources:1.0",

            "forms": {},

            "variables": {

              "skills": "String",

              "mail": "String",

              "twitter": "String",

              "initiator": "String",

              "signed": "Boolean",

              "age": "Integer",

              "name": "String",

              "hr_score": "Integer",

              "offering": "Integer",

              "tech_score": "Integer"




      Thank you in advance,
