0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 8, 2016 10:57 PM by lavin.korukanti

    mod_cluster with apache rewrite to JBOSS EAP


      Hello All,


      We are having jboss web server 3.0.2 (apache2.4) and application server JBOSS EAP 6.2 , I am trying to achieve the below requirement


      a) internal user enters https://example.com/abc-ui , it should redirect calls to application abc with context root (/abc-ui) hosted on an EAP Cluster A


      b) internal user enters https://example.com/def-ui, it should redirect calls to application def with context root (/def-ui) hosted on the EAP Cluster A


      c) external users enter https://example.com/client/cef , it should redirect  calls to application abc with context root (/abc-ui) hosed on EAP Cluster A


      d) external users enter https://example.com/client/tal , it should redirect calls to liferay portal application with context root ( ROOT Context root) hosted on the EAP Cluster B


      I was able to  do a & b, and if user clicks https://example.com/ it works properly to redirect to liferay portal



      but i am struggling to make c & d work , Can some one please guide me


      i have put the below configurations in my apache httpd.conf file



      <IfModule manager_module>


          Listen 7080

          LogLevel info

          RewriteRule ^/abc-u(.*)$ balancer://clusterA/abc-ui$1 [PT,L]

          RewriteRule ^/def-u(.*)$ balancer://ClusterA/def-ui$1 [PT,L]

          RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ balancer://ClusterB/$1 [PT,L]

          <VirtualHost *:7080>

              KeepAliveTimeout 60

              MaxKeepAliveRequests 0

              EnableMCPMReceive on

              ServerAdvertise off

              AdvertiseFrequency 5

              <Directory />

                  Order deny,allow

                  Require all granted


              <Location /mod_cluster-manager>

                  SetHandler mod_cluster-manager

                  Order deny,allow

                  Require all granted






      Thank you