3 Replies Latest reply on Mar 14, 2016 7:14 AM by simplex-software

    JBDS 9.0.0.GA - Error loading file switchyard.xml. Unable to load the generated resources.




      I downloaded JBDS 9.0.0.GA and I created a first project. The day after, I tried to start JBDS and I had the surprize to notice that it doesn't start any more. It displays a message box saying "Operation in progress" which lasts for ever. I can press the Cancel button and then the following message is displayed "Error loading file switchyard.xml. Unable to load the generated resources". Now, when I press OK the result is different on Windows 7 and Windows 10. On Windows 7 the JBDS opend anyway and displays the JBoss Central screen while on Windows 10 it doesn't display but it appears as active in the process list and it creates the LCK file in the workspace.


      So, on Windows 7 one can ignore this issue and can work anyway but on Windows 10, once having created a switchyard project, the workspace won't ever open again.


      Kind regards,

      Nicolas DUMINIL