0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 22, 2016 8:51 AM by rishianand50

    Atomikos Transaction Manager Problem ? <Field value for 'storage.transactionManagerLookup' expected to be of type string but was of type object>


      I want to use modeshape with spring and I am getting below error :


      Cannot resolve reference to bean 'repositoryFactory' while setting bean property 'repository'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'repositoryFactory': Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.modeshape.jcr.ConfigurationException: The configuration for the 'sample' repository has problems: ERROR: Error at storage.transactionManagerLookup : Field value for 'storage.transactionManagerLookup' expected to be of type string but was of type object

      WARNING: The 'storage.transactionManagerLookup' field in the repository configuration file is deprecated and is no longer used. { "name" : "sample" , "jndiName" : "" , "monitoring" : { "enabled" : true } , "storage" : { "transactionManagerLookup" : { "name" : "com.osmosix.mgmt.modeshape.AtomikosTransactionManagerLookup" } , "binaryStorage" : { "type" : "file" , "directory" : "/usr/local/tomcat/temp/modeshape_spring_sample/binaries" , "minimumBinarySizeInBytes" : 40 } } , "workspaces" : { "default" : "default" , "allowCreation" : true } , "security" : { "anonymous" : { "roles" : [ "readonly" , "readwrite" , "admin" ] , "useOnFailedLogin" : false } } }


      Repository-configuration.json :


      {    "name" : "sample",    "jndiName" : "",

          "monitoring" : {

              "enabled" : true


          "storage" : {

              "transactionManagerLookup" : {

                  "name" : "com.abc.mgmt.modeshape.jcr.AtomikosTransactionManagerLookup"


              "binaryStorage" : {

                  "type" : "file",

                  "directory": "${java.io.tmpdir}/modeshape_spring_sample/binaries",

                  "minimumBinarySizeInBytes" : 40



          "workspaces" : {

              "default" : "default",

              "allowCreation" : true


          "security" : {

              "anonymous" : {

                  "roles" : ["readonly","readwrite","admin"],

                  "useOnFailedLogin" : false


