0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 14, 2016 6:24 AM by swapnilugare

    KIE workbench and Remote Java API call


      Hi All,



      I am running one project using 'Remote Java API call' all process designed is done KIE workbench.we created one custom project which is deployed on same jbpm jboss (wildfly) server.

      both jbpm and custom application running on same server.I want to ask some questions about the jbpm with respect to KIE workbench and Remote Java API call.



      1) I read documentation related to jbpm. I want to create 'TaskLifeCycleListener' for human task and use it in KIE. which way I will do this and configure in KIE workbench..?

      is it possible to create using  Remote Java API call because using this I will get the TaskService object (I know that it is remote not a local)...?



      2) What is use of 'KPI' while defining the process variable in process. I it is related to dashboards then which way I will use this to create dashboards.Can it is applied on data modeler object..?



      3) I want to create a dashboards which will show current running/completed/aborted process data. is possible to access running/completed/aborted process data through Remote Java API call.

      Can I make update or change that process instance data...?



      4)I want to show the process instance 'business audit log' using Remote Java API call. Which way I will access that..? Also I read in jbpm documentation that 'audit log' message we can make customise.

      which way I will do that and configure with KIE ..? Is it possible to add the 'audit log' message through Remote Java API call...?



      5)Can I know just like 'kcontext' which standard objects I will get in KIE process design mode and in 'jbpm email template'...?