0 Replies Latest reply on May 3, 2016 9:13 AM by regan_johnson

    Where is the HTTP Client Connector?


      So, I'm looking at using Fuse to replace an existing integration engine, and suite of integrations at work.

      I've started looking at using Fuse, and it looks as good as, or better than the competition.

      I have installed the Fuse Development Environment, watched a few videos, and worked through the first couple homeloan tutorials.


      I'm having a couple of problems:

      1) When I try to do a JSON to XML transformation, I drag out the data transformation icon from the palette, specify from JSON (with a piece of sample JSON), specify to XML (with a sample SOAP request) and click OK.  I always get the same error message:Screenshot from 2016-05-03 08:55:29.png

      Any suggestions about what I'm doing wrong?  This seems to work, if I have a template (XSD) file of the request instead of XML, but that's not normally an option.  Is there a log file somewhere that could provide some more information?


      2) Where is the HTTP Client component?  I see long lists of components on web pages, and I see a whole bunch in the palette in Fuse, but I can't see a simple HTTP Client (or server) component!! What am I missing?

