1 Reply Latest reply on May 29, 2016 2:49 AM by vpaccent09

    Unable to implement pooling in resource adapter JBOSS-EAP-6.3


      I am trying to implement pooling in resource adapter. I tried various options but the pooling is not working. Whatever value I provide for pool size it is taking some default value. I am using JBOSS-EAP-6.3.

      Can anyone help to make the pooling configuration work.


      Following is the configuration details of my standalone.xml:


      <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:resource-adapters:1.1">




              <!-- Resource adapter level config-property -->



            <connection-definition class-name="org.ets.cbsr.common.taxes.adaptor.XYZ.XYZManagedConnectionFactoryImpl"


                   pool-name="XYZFactory" use-ccm="true">



               <flush-strategy>IdleConnections</flush-strategy> -->





            <!-- Managed connection factory level config-property -->

             <config-property name="ServerName"></config-property>

             <config-property name="UserName"></config-property>

             <config-property name="Password"></config-property>

             <config-property name="Encrypted"></config-property>

             <config-property name="PasswordEncryptor"></config-property>

             <config-property name="ConnectionURL"></config-property>







