8 Replies Latest reply on Sep 28, 2016 12:40 PM by rgrabmcg

    Unable to locate jboss-eap-6.4.4-patch.zip


      I am not able to locate jboss-eap-6.4.4-patch.zip at any of JBoss sites. It is required for installation of JBoss BPM Suite. Any pointers on it will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.



      Further want to add:

      Readme file has following details:

      Download the following from the JBoss Customer Portal

      * EAP installer (jboss-eap-6.4.0-installer.jar)
      * EAP patch (jboss-eap-6.4.4-patch.zip)
      * BPM Suite installer (jboss-bpmsuite-installer-6.2.0.BZ-1299002.jar)

      and copy to this directory for the init.sh script to work.


      I have copied EAP installer (jboss-eap-6.4.0-installer) and BPM suite installer (jboss-bpmsuite-6.2.0.GA-installer)

      when I run the init command, I am getting following error:

      Product sources are present...

      Need to download jboss-eap-6.4.4-patch.zip package from the Customer Support Portal
      and place it in the C:\BPM\bpms-install-demo-master\\installs directory to proceed...

        • 1. Re: Unable to locate jboss-eap-6.4.4-patch.zip
          • 2. Re: Unable to locate jboss-eap-6.4.4-patch.zip

            As a developer for that link I get: You do not have access to the requested software.

            • 3. Re: Unable to locate jboss-eap-6.4.4-patch.zip

              If you have a known active subscription for EAP, open a case with support. Might be a long shot, but try a different browser. I have had issues with cookies on the RH Support Site in the past, causing odd behavior.

              • 4. Re: Unable to locate jboss-eap-6.4.4-patch.zip

                Hi, thanks for the reply.


                I only have a developer account, not any active subscription. As I see it now, the 6.4.4 patch is only listed on the customer portal, not on the developer portal (is that on purpose?).


                As a result I cannot follow the getting started guide, because it requires 6.4.4 patch in the installs dir to proceed. As a workaround I installed 6.1 but that one has other issues with duplicate variable names in Guided Decision Tables.


                So now I'm stuck. If I could get the patch, and reinstall everything on 6.4 that would be great.




                • 5. Re: Unable to locate jboss-eap-6.4.4-patch.zip

                  Hi, I was struggling with the same issue for quite a time!, a really hard time. I have the same issues as you, i have only developer account and all the patches and necessary version of the software are only under customer subscription.


                  The way i solve it  and I was able to test and start seeing how the demo works... was changing the init.bat file. I change it and use the versions that i have, and erasing the part of the code that ask for install the patch and voila! I install it with no problems, and now i was able to run the loan demo.


                  I will Paste the code for the  init.bat that I use. and these are the versions of the software you need to use, and are available for developers. Hope this help, and if you need help let me know and send me an email. glad to help.


                  Just copy and paste this code in init.bat in your installation of the loan demo.





                  @ECHO OFF




                  set PROJECT_HOME=%~dp0

                  set DEMO=Loan Realtime Decision Server Demo

                  set AUTHORS=Edson Tirelli, Eric D. Schabell

                  set PROJECT1=git@github.com:

                  set PROJECT2=jbossdemocentral/brms-realtime-decision-server-demo.git

                  set PRODUCT=JBoss BRMS

                  set JBOSS_HOME=%PROJECT_HOME%target\jboss-eap-6.4

                  set SERVER_DIR=%JBOSS_HOME%\standalone\deployments

                  set SERVER_CONF=%JBOSS_HOME%\standalone\configuration

                  set SERVER_BIN=%JBOSS_HOME%\bin

                  set SUPPORT_DIR=%PROJECT_HOME%support

                  set SRC_DIR=%PROJECT_HOME%installs

                  set PRJ_DIR=%PROJECT_HOME%projects

                  set BRMS=jboss-brms-6.3.0.GA-installer.jar

                  set EAP=jboss-eap-6.4.0-installer.jar



                  set VERSION=6.3



                  REM wipe screen.





                  echo ########################################################################

                  echo ##                                                                    ##  

                  echo ##  Setting up the %DEMO%            ##

                  echo ##                                                                    ##  

                  echo ##                                                                    ##  

                  echo ##    ##### ####   ###   ####  ####    ####   ####    #   #    ####   ##

                  echo ##      #   #   # #   # #     #        #   #  #   #  # # # #  #       ##

                  echo ##      #   ####  #   #  ###   ###     ####   ####   #  #  #   ###    ##

                  echo ##    # #   #   # #   #     #     #    #   #  #  #   #     #      #   ##

                  echo ##    ###   ####   ###  ####  ####     ####   #   #  #     #  ####    ##

                  echo ##                                                                    ##  

                  echo ##                                                                    ##  

                  echo ##  brought to you by,                                                ##  

                  echo ##            %AUTHORS%          ##

                  echo ##                                                                    ##  

                  echo ##  %PROJECT1%          ##

                  echo ##   %PROJECT2%          ##

                  echo ##                                                                    ##  

                  echo ########################################################################




                  REM make some checks first before proceeding.

                  if exist %SRC_DIR%\%EAP% (

                          echo Product sources are present...


                  ) else (

                          echo Need to download %EAP% package from the Customer Support Portal

                          echo and place it in the %SRC_DIR% directory to proceed...


                          GOTO :EOF




                  if exist %SRC_DIR%\%BRMS% (

                    echo JBoss product sources, %BRMS% present...


                  ) else (

                    echo Need to download %BRMS% package from the Customer Support Portal and place it in the %SRC_DIR% directory to proceed...


                    GOTO :EOF




                  REM Remove the old JBoss instance, if it exists.

                  if exist %JBOSS_HOME% (

                    echo - existing JBoss product install detected and removed...




                    rmdir /s /q "%PROJECT_HOME%\target"




                  REM Run installers.

                  echo EAP installer running now...


                  call java -jar %SRC_DIR%/%EAP% %SUPPORT_DIR%\installation-eap -variablefile %SUPPORT_DIR%\installation-eap.variables





                  if not "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" (


                    echo Error Occurred During JBoss EAP Installation!


                    GOTO :EOF




                  call set NOPAUSE=true






                  echo JBoss BRMS installer running now...


                  call java -jar %SRC_DIR%\%BRMS% %SUPPORT_DIR%\installation-brms -variablefile %SUPPORT_DIR%\installation-brms.variables



                  if not "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" (

                    echo Error Occurred During %PRODUCT% Installation!


                    GOTO :EOF




                  echo "  - creating kie-server user..."


                  call %JBOSS_HOME%\bin\add-user.bat -a -r ApplicationRealm -u kieserver -p kieserver1! -ro kie-server --silent




                  echo - enabling demo accounts role setup in application-roles.properties file...


                  xcopy /Y /Q "%SUPPORT_DIR%\application-roles.properties" "%SERVER_CONF%"




                  echo - setting up demo projects...


                  xcopy /Y /Q /S "%SUPPORT_DIR%\brms-demo-niogit" "%SERVER_BIN%\.niogit\"




                  echo   - setting up standalone.xml configuration adjustments...


                  xcopy /Y /Q "%SUPPORT_DIR%\standalone.xml" "%SERVER_CONF%"




                  echo - setup email task notification users...


                  xcopy /Y /Q "%SUPPORT_DIR%\userinfo.properties" "%SERVER_DIR%\business-central.war\WEB-INF\classes\"




                  echo You can now start the %PRODUCT% with %SERVER_BIN%\standalone.bat




                  echo %PRODUCT% %VERSION% %DEMO% Setup Complete.


                  • 6. Re: Unable to locate jboss-eap-6.4.4-patch.zip

                    Hello again,

                    The Workaround i found was good to start using the BPM suite, but for the demo purpose i get another error, while try to build and deploy and looks like only can be fixed with the Patch.


                    Does anyone Have any solution for this having a developer account?

                    • 7. Re: Unable to locate jboss-eap-6.4.4-patch.zip

                      I will assume you are talking about the coolstore demo.


                      I also managed to get the coolstore demo working by installing and using EAP 6.4 without the patch, and BRMS 6.3.


                      But I manually installed them using the Java wizard, and then I rebuilt the coolstore demo war from code, put it inside the deployments dir in JBOSS, and you should also have there business-central and kie-server WARs.


                      Here is a link to a compiled coolstore-demo artifact:



                      Also follow the instructions in these videos to create and import the BRMS part of things - package name and versions are important:


                      This one to create an organizational unit and project:

                      Quick Tour #4: Start your first JBoss BRMS project on Vimeo


                      This one to clone the git repo with the rules:

                      Quick Tour #5: How to import a project into JBoss BRMS on Vimeo


                      I hope this is helpful. If not for you, maybe for someone else



                      • 8. Re: Unable to locate jboss-eap-6.4.4-patch.zip

                        Thank  you,  I was referring to the travel agency  demo.  But maybe what you do will help me to solve the problem. I will give it a try and see of I can fix it.

