1. Re: How to reach that a soap-service starts CDI RequestScope?
igarashitm Jun 25, 2016 6:33 AM (in response to mae)Verified RequestContext is not activated for SOAP inbound request. Filed a JIRA
[SWITCHYARD-2927] Activate RequestContext for each SOAP inbound request - JBoss Issue Tracker
2. Re: How to reach that a soap-service starts CDI RequestScope?
igarashitm Jun 25, 2016 6:53 AM (in response to mae)1 of 1 people found this helpfulExchangeInterceptor would be an option, but note that it is invoked for every exchange - if you have SOAP-in--->Bean--->SOAP-out, then ExchangeInterceptor would be invoked twice. Another option would be a custom MessageComposer on the SOAP inbound binding.
3. Re: How to reach that a soap-service starts CDI RequestScope?
igarashitm Jun 26, 2016 11:58 PM (in response to mae)I almost forgot to mention about yet another option, you would be able to have a plain JAXWS endpoint in a war with SwitchYard service reference injected. No quickstart demonstrates exactly same scenario yet, but multiApp demo would be helpful to see how SwitchYard service reference is injected into JavaEE component. It's a JSF managed bean in this demo.
switchyard/quickstarts/demos/multiApp at master · jboss-switchyard/switchyard · GitHub
4. Re: How to reach that a soap-service starts CDI RequestScope?
mae Jun 27, 2016 3:43 AM (in response to igarashitm)Thank you very much for the reply.
That's right, if i use the ExchangeInterceptor i have to detect if the current exchange is for "SOAP in" or any other.
The MessageComposer seems to be the better alternative to me, because no special detection is needed.
The plain JAXWS endpoint is another interesting option, but i don't want to implement the JAXWS endpoint by myself.
Because generally SwitchYard does this very well.