1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 5, 2016 8:44 PM by akazakov

    JBDS 9.0.0 performance issue on Macs


      We have developers who are using JBDS on Macs. When they import our project into their IDE and start opening multiple JavaScript files(usually 2 files is enough to cause this) the IDE starts to crash and the CPU usage jumps to 600%. When they were working with their own separate project they did not have this issue opening and editing their files. But when they open the JavaScript files in our project, which is a large maven based webapp, it starts to crash with the JS files. Has anyone experienced this issue with JBDS or any Eclipse version ?



        • 1. Re: JBDS 9.0.0 performance issue on Macs

          Developer studio (JBDS) 9.0.0 is based on Eclipse Mars. Unfortunately Eclipse Mars has a lot of issues with JavaSctipt (JSDT) tools. Including performance issues.

          Try to remove JavaScript nature from Project Properties -> Project Natures ->

          You also can exclude your sources and target, npm modules, etc folders from "Project Properties -> JavaScript -> Include Path -> Source" and disable JavaScript validation in Preferences.

          As radical solution you could uninstall JSDT plugins from Eclipse/devstudio OR you can update to Developer Studio 10.0 which is based on Eclipse Neon and JSDT 2.0 with much better JavaScript support - JBoss Tools - Eclipse Webinar series - JSDT and Docker Tooling for Eclipse Neon