3 Replies Latest reply on Mar 21, 2017 1:21 PM by davide.cavestro1

    What is the future of JBOSS Fuse?


      Market is flooded with ESB tools.

      Corporate are confused to choose. Is there any good comparison matrix that aids decision making.

      Fuse is nonetheless a good technology, as it wraps up ServiceMix. But what is the roadmap ahead? Is Redhat going to stick to it for the longterm?

        • 1. Re: What is the future of JBOSS Fuse?

          It is indeed a very good question.


          Right now, unfortunately, there is no straight answer.


          As you know, fabric8 is currently the foundational platform of RedHat FUSE.

          As great as the technology was, the fabric8 dev team has decided to radically change their framework and has released a new version, v2.


          Fabric8 v2 is totally different from v1. It imposes a new architecture onto the apps. Even though the dev team assures that they would do everything they can to make the transition painless, certain use cases will not be possible to implement. It might sound as is a subjective statement, but we do have a few solutions for which we were not able to get a clear answer on how it would be possible to put them onto v2.


          So, while for the time FUSE is still running on v1 (and it is a fantastic tech), the change is imminent, drastic and probably will not be well supported - given the RedHat focus on OpenShift.

          If I had to choose the new technology for my middleware I would wait to see how OpenShift/Fabric8 v2 plays out.





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          • 2. Re: What is the future of JBOSS Fuse?

            Fabric8 as it exists in FUSE 6.x can be thought as our JVM management platform.  Sure it's a big part of what make Fuse great, but really it's just plumbing from the point of view creating integration solutions.   Fabric8 v2 is going to be very different from how it looks in v1, but the core of Fuse is going to remain the same: the Camel, CXF, ActiveMQ and SwitchYard that it's always been.  The changes in the underlying management platform from Fabric v1 to v2 are an amazing improvement.  Your now not restricted to managing Karaf JVMs, you can now mange any type OS process like a Karaf JVM or a MySQL server.


            With Fabric8 v2, what changes is mostly how you package up, and manage your solutions.  I recommend taking a peek at Fuse Integration Services which brings to you a taste of how to use Fuse on OpenShift today.  Fuse 7.x will likely build on the same approach but add tooling to make migration easier and management views similar to whats available in Fuse 6.x.


            OpenShift Enterprise 3.1 | Using Images | xPaaS Middleware Images | JBoss Fuse Integration Services

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            • 3. Re: What is the future of JBOSS Fuse?

              chirino any update on Fuse 7?

              It would be great having some insights on:

              1. migration paths
              2. benefits of Fuse 7 compared to Spring Boot apps using Camel/ActiveMQ over OpenShift.