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1. Re: Creating and accessing JMS headers switchyard(JMS Binding)
igarashitm Sep 5, 2016 10:32 PM (in response to ravi21588)The camel-jms maps JMS headers/properties from/to IN message headers/Exchange properties,
then SwitchYard ContextMapper map them from/to SwitchYard Context Property.
Message Composition - SwitchYard - Project Documentation Editor
2. Re: Creating and accessing JMS headers switchyard(JMS Binding)
ravi21588 Sep 6, 2016 5:02 AM (in response to igarashitm)Hi Tom,
Thanks for the reply,
1.) do you mean i can access the jms headers using ${} and set jms headers using below
<setHeader headerName="SourceSystem">
<simple resultType="java.lang.String">SourceSystem</simple>
2.)Is it a good idea to send the metadata information like sourceSystem,SourceTransactionID,UserID etc required for logging purpose in JMS header or is it better to send it along with XML?