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1. Re: What is the recommended value of cache-ref in <session-bean><stateful cache-ref > in a HA singleton scenario
pferraro Sep 30, 2016 4:08 PM (in response to wwang2016)If you don't need to replicate the state of your @Stateful EJBs, you can change the default cache-ref to "simple". Alternatively, you can configure your EJBs to be @Stateful(passivation-capable=false), which tells the container not to serialize your EJBs.
2. Re: What is the recommended value of cache-ref in <session-bean><stateful cache-ref > in a HA singleton scenario
wwang2016 Sep 30, 2016 4:23 PM (in response to pferraro)Hi Paul,
I am currently set it to "simple", and it worked in our specific case.