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1. Re: How to enable gzip compression on a switchyard gateway.
igarashitm Oct 14, 2016 9:43 PM (in response to ab2)Can you upload a minimal project which reproduce what you want to do?
2. Re: How to enable gzip compression on a switchyard gateway.
igarashitm Oct 14, 2016 11:02 PM (in response to igarashitm)Oops, I replied too earlier - you'd need to put a cxf.xml to configure interceptors for SOAP reference binding
OutInterceptor in SOAP bindings a.k.a how do I access HTTP request context?
Another option would be to use CXF reference binding which accepts camel cxfEndpointConfigurer
Here is an example to put cxfEndpointConfigurer via SwitchYard CXF reference binding
issues/switchyard/camel-cxf-configurer at master · igarashitm/issues · GitHub