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1. Re: Updating WELD in glassfish 4
mkouba Nov 4, 2016 4:08 AM (in response to bobbotron)Hi Robert,
you should only upgrade to the latest bugfix version of Weld integrated with your GF version. It seems that GF 4.1.1 is bundled with Weld 2.2.13 so the latest version which could be used as a drop-in replacement is 2.2.16SP1 (try either weld-osgi-bundle-2.2.16.SP1.jar or weld-osgi-bundle-2.2.16.SP1-glassfish4.jar.). Other versions (2.3.x, 2.4.x) may require additional update of the integration code - please contact GF team to get more info about possibilities.
2. Re: Updating WELD in glassfish 4
bobbotron Nov 4, 2016 8:29 AM (in response to mkouba)Hi Martin,
Thanks for the speedy reply! I had tried the latest weld OSGI jar yesterday which didn't quite work with GF. Of the two jars you've mentioned, weld-osgi-bundle-2.2.16.SP1.jar seems to be working well, the other had some problems on startup.
Thanks again!