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1. Re: AnnotatedTypeConfigurator::add: what is this supposed to do?
tremes Nov 14, 2016 1:37 AM (in response to ljnelson)Hi Laird,
Yes AnnotatedType represents type which could possibly include AnnotatedMethods and AnnotatedFields (check the API cdi/ at master · cdi-spec/cdi · GitHub ). AnnotatedTypeConfigurator is new API which should help you (and make it easier) to configure this AnnotatedType and all its Annotated members. Without this API (in CDI 1.2) you basically need to implement everything on your own. Some example of AnnotatedTypeConfigurator usage can be found in CDI TCK - cdi-tck/ at master · cdi-spec/cdi-tck · GitHub Hope this helps little bit.
2. Re: AnnotatedTypeConfigurator::add: what is this supposed to do?
mkouba Nov 14, 2016 3:10 AM (in response to ljnelson)1 of 1 people found this helpfulAnd yes, the AnnotatedTypeConfigurator#add() javadoc is wrong and should be fixed -