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1. Re: AfterTypeDiscovery.addAnnotatedType: should be picked up by bean scanning, yes?
ljnelson Dec 22, 2016 2:41 PM (in response to ljnelson)Hmm; I think there's a bug here. I have added an annotated type using the addAnnotatedType(String, Class) method, and it does not (a) result in a bean being discovered or (b) the type being available from AfterBeanDiscovery.getAnnotatedType(String, Class). Nor is a ProcessSyntheticAnnotatedType event fired. I'll see if I can boil this down into a test case.
2. Re: AfterTypeDiscovery.addAnnotatedType: should be picked up by bean scanning, yes?
ljnelson Dec 22, 2016 5:43 PM (in response to ljnelson)Filed WELD-2292 with test case.
3. Re: AfterTypeDiscovery.addAnnotatedType: should be picked up by bean scanning, yes?
ljnelson Dec 23, 2016 2:23 AM (in response to ljnelson)Looks like I duplicated WELD-2242.