2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 24, 2019 5:30 AM by vijayakumar28

    XML RPC ServiceFactoryImpl


      hi all,

      i have a question regarding implementation of javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory by default it uses class org.jboss.ws.core.jaxrpc.client.ServiceFactoryImpl.


      I have checked Wildfly 10 and JBoss EAP 7 modules but in any of them there is no such class.


      What has happened and what a solution you propose to enable xml rpc client in my web application?


      best regards,


        • 1. Re: XML RPC ServiceFactoryImpl

          JAX-RPC has been deprecated and eventually removed from Java EE. As a consequence it's not available anymore in EAP 7 / WildFly 10. You need to upgrade your application to use more recent technologies (JAX-WS).

          • 2. Re: XML RPC ServiceFactoryImpl

            While this is the correct alternative, in case if there are dependencies on third party applications that use API dependent on JAX RPC, then you can exclude the module


            <module name="javax.xml.rpc.api" />


            This will allow you to supply your own JAXRPC API jar and the JAXRPC provider jar in your application classpath (part of the WAR or the JAR)


            This fixed the issue for us.