1. Re: Cassandra as store for Infinispan in client server mode
sebastian.laskawiec Jan 8, 2017 11:08 PM (in response to vijaynm)Cassandra Cache Store is hosted in a separate repository. The documentation might be found here.
2. Re: Cassandra as store for Infinispan in client server mode
vijaynm Jan 8, 2017 11:58 PM (in response to sebastian.laskawiec)I have explored those links earlier, they are for embedded mode, as I understand those examples and documentation are for configuring cassandra in infinispan.xml not in JBoss Wildfly standalone.xml of domain.xml. If we do use the same configuration, server throws xml validation error
Is it (configuring Cassandra as data store in client server mode) something supported by Infinispan out of the box? or we need to build custom cache store and configurator?
3. Re: Cassandra as store for Infinispan in client server mode
sebastian.laskawiec Jan 9, 2017 12:34 AM (in response to vijaynm)Regarding to configuration, you should use the 'generic' one (the one with properties instead of custom XML elements). This should validate fine against WildFly.
Next, you would need to deploy the Cassandra Cache Store to the Infinispan Server ($ISPN/standalone/deployments). Those are called Deployable Cache Stores. Unfortunately due to ISPN-7342, the server won't discover it. Would you like to contribute a patch to fix it?
4. Re: Cassandra as store for Infinispan in client server mode
vijaynm Jan 10, 2017 6:01 AM (in response to sebastian.laskawiec)Thanks Sebastian
I am able to configure Infiinispan with Cassandra, further testing is pending.
In the mean time, I have created pull request with patch for the issue [ISPN-7342] Cassandra Cache Store is missing Custom Cache Store service manifest - JBoss Issue Tracker
5. Re: Cassandra as store for Infinispan in client server mode
jagan23527001 Jul 31, 2017 6:43 PM (in response to vijaynm)Hi Vijay,
Can you please provide the configuration and step by step guide to configure Casssandra cache store to Infinispan (client-server) mode . I am stuck in between and not able to proceed further. Following things have done till now ?
1) Downloaded and installed "infinispan-server-8.2.8.Fina" server and Cassandra is running locally in windows machine
2) added the following XML to standalone.xml under "urn:infinispam:server:core:8.2"
<local-cache name="cassandracache">
<locking striping="false" acquire-timeout="30000" concurrency-level="1000"/>
<transaction mode="NONE"/>
<store name="cassstore1" class="org.infinispan.persistence.cassandra.CassandraStore" shared="true" passivation="false">
<property name="autoCreateKeyspace"> true</property>
<property name="keyspace">store1</property>
<property name="entryTable"> entries1</property>
<property name="consistencyLevel">LOCAL_ONE </property>
<property name="serialConsistencyLevel">SERIAL</property>
<property name="servers">[9042],[9041]</property>
<property name="connectionPool.heartbeatIntervalSeconds">30</property>
<property name="connectionPool.idleTimeoutSeconds">120</property>
<property name="connectionPool.poolTimeoutMillis">5</property>
3) Added "infinispan-cachestore-cassandra-8.4.0.Final-redhat-2.jar" jar under standalone\deployments folder - getting exception - "Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/datastax/driver/core/Statement"
- From Exception i can understand cachestore not able to find the cassandra driver related java classes. so placed "cassandra-driver-core-3.0.0.redhat-1" jars under standalone\ext\lib and also created modules , but either didn't work.
Please help me where it has gone wrong ?
6. Re: Cassandra as store for Infinispan in client server mode
schernolyas Mar 13, 2018 6:21 AM (in response to sebastian.laskawiec)Hi!
I need cooperate infinispan 9.2 with Cassandra. I will prepare PR for the upgrade.