1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 31, 2017 7:22 AM by andey

    how to create multiple Context roots without using rewrite in single war file and how to access multiple context roots web-app single war file


      Hi any body can you please help me,any one please provide document


      how to create multiple Context roots without using rewrite and how to access multiple context roots web-app,java-ee,jboss-web.xml,rest-easy

        • 1. Re: how to create multiple Context roots without using rewrite in single war file and how to access multiple context roots web-app single war file



          No, it is not allowed by Java EE spec.

          Take Java EE 6 spec(http://download.oracle.com/otndocs/jcp/javaee-6.0-fr-eval-oth-JSpec/). as example:


          Choose unique names for the modules contained in the application. If two

          modules specify conflicting names in their deployment descriptors, create

          an alternate deployment descriptor for at least one of the modules and

          change its name. If two modules in the same directory of the ear file have

          the same base name (e.g., foo.jar and foo.war), rename one of the

          modules or create an alternate deployment descriptor to specify a unique

          name for one of the modules.


          Please note: Choose unique names for the modules contained in the application, and specify a unique name for one of the modules


          Suppose I have a war deployment test.war, I deploy it with 2 different context-root names (for example, /test1 and /test2) on JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP),


          In application.xml:















          You can duplicate the war file and deploy both:


          test1.war --> http://localhost:8080/test1

          test2.war --> http://localhost:8080/test2


          context-root name and deployment file name should be unique (one-to-one mapping) as per Java EE spec.