1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 27, 2001 12:36 AM by davidjencks

    JCA, transaction not_supported



      if I set the transactional attribute of a connector to *not_supported*, and try to get a connection from an EJB with the *required* attribute, the getXAResource() of the ManagedConnection in the connector is called, and start(), end(), commit() are called on this XAResource. Why? I've read and read again the spec and I'm not sure wether the jboss behavior is conform...
      It is said in the connector spec :

      "if the transaction support level for a resource adapter is NoTransaction, an invocation of getXAResource method should throw a ResourceException."

      If I follow the spec for my connector, I can't use it from a *required* EJB...

      Thanks in advance for your answers,


        • 1. Re: JCA, transaction not_supported

          Use the MinervaNoTransactionConnectionManager.

          Please post your connectionfactoryloader config if this does not work immediately. If you have a working configuration for a publicly available resource adapter, please contribute a working configuration for it to the manual.


          Also, could you move this to the database-persistence forum?

          david jencks