2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 19, 2017 2:45 PM by masterdany88

    No proxy found only in development mode


      I have always problem, no proxy found for my jaxrs web services. It happens only in development mode.

      When I do clean install and deploy that app on server it works great.


      Please help,

        • 1. Re: No proxy found only in development mode

          Hi Daniel,


          There are usually two causes for this issue.

          1. You are invoking your caller before the proxy provider is initialized.
          2. You have added a new endpoint, but SDM has not rerun the Errai proxy generator.


          You can fix (1) by making sure your endpoint is called in an @AfterInitialization method. But if you only see the problem in dev mode, it's more likely that (2) is your issue.


          You can fix (2) by either cleaning your SDM cache, or touching (i.e. modifying the timestamp on the file) of an existing RPC interface that you know is working.



          • 2. Re: No proxy found only in development mode

            Restarting whole pc helped. I've notice this to happend offen after suspending pc.