1. Re: How to add a new ClusteringService Listener?
hchiorean Apr 28, 2017 1:17 AM (in response to scott.reisdorf)ModeShape's clustering service is an internal implementation detail and the internals are not meant to be exposed on the outside, to repository users.
That being said, I think one way you could try to accomplish this is to write your own JGroups related code (similar to modeshape/ClusteringService.java at master · ModeShape/modeshape · GitHub ) and use the same configuration file that is used by ModeShape
In other words, you could try creating your own cluster member which joins the same cluster. If that works, you should have full access to the JGroups API and get the notifications.
2. Re: How to add a new ClusteringService Listener?
scott.reisdorf Apr 28, 2017 1:21 AM (in response to hchiorean)Thanks for the fast response.
That is how I have decided to do it, and it all seems to work. I will do that for now.
Thanks for the help.
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