1. Re: JBOSS EAP7 with multiple modules roots - access classes of system root
kaspatoo1 Jul 18, 2017 8:18 AM (in response to kaspatoo1)may I left insufficient information about the configuration.
In testsystem there is an instance configured via
There variables for JBOSS_HOME, JBOSS_INSTANCE and INSTANCE_HOME are set.
Under JBOSS_HOME we can find the parent JBOSS where under modules the system-modules (like org.apache.commons.io) can be found.
JBOSS_HOME/modules does look like:
- system (containing "layers/base/org/apache/commons/io/commons-io-2.4.0.redhat-1.jar/org/apache/commons/io/IOUtils.class")
Under INSTANCE_HOME/modules we can find our custom modules (like struts2).
- org (containing "apache/struts2/2.5.2/...")
- com
When starting the instance and it comes to a point struts needs to use the IO we are getting this exception:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils from [Module "org.apache.struts2:2.5.2" from local module loader @42f30e0a (finder: local module finder @24273305 (roots: JBOSS_HOME/modules,JBOSS_HOME/modules/system/layers/base,INSTANCE_HOME/modules))]
Even after moving all modules from INSTANCE_HOME/modules to JBOSS_HOME/modules we are getting the exception.
On Devsystem (using standalone instead of instances) everything works fine regarding IO, File upload does work there as expected.
Hopefully someone can help we with further hints or some information.
Thanks in advance.
2. Re: JBOSS EAP7 with multiple modules roots - access classes of system root
jaikiran Jul 19, 2017 12:56 AM (in response to kaspatoo1)What does the module definition file of org.apache.struts2:2.5.2 module, look like?
3. Re: JBOSS EAP7 with multiple modules roots - access classes of system root
kaspatoo1 Jul 19, 2017 4:22 AM (in response to jaikiran)I think its default:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="org.apache.struts2" slot="2.5.2">
<resource-root path="struts2-core-2.5.2.jar"/>
<resource-root path="struts2-convention-plugin-2.5.2.jar"/>
<resource-root path="struts2-json-plugin-2.5.2.jar"/>
<resource-root path="struts2-spring-plugin-2.5.2.jar"/>
<resource-root path="struts2-tiles-plugin-2.5.2.jar"/>
<resource-root path="tiles-api-3.0.5.jar"/>
<resource-root path="tiles-request-api-1.0.6.jar"/>
<resource-root path="tiles-core-3.0.5.jar"/>
<resource-root path="tiles-servlet-3.0.5.jar"/>
<resource-root path="tiles-request-servlet-1.0.6.jar"/>
<resource-root path="tiles-request-jsp-1.0.6.jar"/>
<resource-root path="tiles-jsp-3.0.5.jar"/>
<resource-root path="tiles-template-3.0.5.jar"/>
<resource-root path="tiles-autotag-core-runtime-1.1.0.jar"/>
<resource-root path="tiles-freemarker-3.0.5.jar"/>
<resource-root path="tiles-request-freemarker-1.0.6.jar"/>
<resource-root path="tiles-ognl-3.0.5.jar"/>
<resource-root path="tiles-el-3.0.5.jar"/>
<resource-root path="commons-digester-2.1.jar"/>
<resource-root path="commons-fileupload-1.3.2.jar"/>
<resource-root path="freemarker-2.3.23.jar"/>
<resource-root path="ognl-3.1.10.jar"/>
<module name="asm.asm"/>
<module name="javax.api"/>
<module name="javax.servlet.jsp.api"/>
<module name="org.apache.commons.beanutils"/>
<module name="org.apache.commons.io"/>
<module name="org.apache.commons.lang3"/>
<module name="org.apache.logging.log4j" slot="2.5"/>
<module name="org.apache.commons.logging"/>
<module name="org.javassist"/>
<module name="org.slf4j"/>
<module name="org.springframework.spring"/>
4. Re: JBOSS EAP7 with multiple modules roots - access classes of system root
kaspatoo1 Jul 19, 2017 11:41 AM (in response to kaspatoo1)the customer now reported that everything works without any change.
Customer admin said he only moved modules from instance-root to default-root and back again after it did not work. After restoring it worked well.
regarding my question/ the classloading I assume the following:
- either by a specific environment variable or due to instance-based deployment (over standalone) one can define multiple module-root
- each libraries from modules of any (defaul as well as custom/instance roots) of these roots are put into the same classpath
- means there are not separate classpathes for every root
- due to this classes from a custom/ instance root can of course access classes from default root
Thanks for listening/ helping.