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1. Re: Byteman and jdwp
adinn Jul 24, 2017 3:52 AM (in response to torius1)Mang-Kwan Ma wrote:
I am wondering if I can have both byteman and jdwp enabled at the same time for remote usage so that I can remotly tracing and debugging at the same time?
I don't know of any issue that relates to using both at the same time. In fact, I regularly use a jwdp-based debugger to debug Byteman (so, yes, you can use the debugger to step through Byteman methods as well as through application or test code). I have done this using IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse.
If you want to push things to the limit you can also try debugging the Java Virtual Machine code using gdb while debugging Byteman and app/test code using your Java debugger. That also works :-)
Andrew Dinn