0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 3, 2017 5:50 AM by per.norrman

    Can I create truly module internal classes in jboss-modules?


      Couldn't find a forum dedicated to jboss-modules, so I'll try here.


      I'm trying to figure out if I can tell jboss-modules that some portions of the resources are "module-internal", i.e. that they cannot be accessed from any other module, not even the modules that has the target module as a direct dependency. So I tried experimenting with the module global <exports> directive. I have an "application" module like so:


      <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.3" name="x.app">
         <main-class name="xyzzy.app.Main" />
            <resource-root path="x-app-1.0.jar" />
            <module name="x.alpha" services="import"> </module>


      and a the x-alpha module:


      <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.3" name="x.alpha">
            <include path="xyzzy/**" />
            <exclude path="org/reflections/**"/>
            <resource-root path="public/x-alpha-1.0.jar" />
            <resource-root path="private/reflections-0.9.10.jar" />


      Then I try loading the class org.reflections.Reflections from the Main class


                  Class<?> c = Class.forName("org.reflections.Reflections", true, Main.class.getClassLoader());


      Based on exclude pattern, my guess is that it should fail, but it works. Do the exports directive have any effect at all? Well, if I put a top level wildcard in the exclude directive


            <include path="xyzzy/**" />
            <exclude path="*"/>


      then loading fails, but then I cannot use any of the "public" classes.


      Is this module global directive supposed to work the way I think, or am I using something unsupported/undocumented?




      After some more experiments, setting the exports directive to


            <include path="xyzzy/**" />
            <exclude path="org/**"/>


      yields the expected result, i.e. that


                  Class<?> c = Class.forName("org.reflections.Reflections", true, Main.class.getClassLoader());


      fails. Testing GlobPathFilter from master, though, suggest that something else is going on:


              assertTrue(new GlobPathFilter("org/**").accept("org/reflections/Reflections"));
              assertTrue(new GlobPathFilter("org/reflections/**").accept("org/reflections/Reflections"));



      Both assertions succeeds.