Client Remote Address(Hostname or IP) into EJB Interceptor.
paatalom Oct 10, 2017 1:43 PMhello team,
I'm trying to retriev remote client address (IP Address) and client jndi username into my ejb interceptor. but no success.
Is there any example how to do this ?
1. EJB Session Bean Sample Code :
@Stateless @Local(MyLocalInterface.class) @Remote(MyRemoteInterface.class) @RolesAllowed({"Role1", "Role2", "Role3"}) @Interceptors({MyEjbInterceptor.class}) public class MySessionBean implements MyLocalInterface, MyRemoteInterface { @RolesAllowed("Role1") @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public String someMethod() throws CentrProcessException { try { return "Hello From Server"; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Here is my EJB Interceptor Class :
public class MyEjbInterceptor{ @AroundInvoke public Object handleEJBCall(InvocationContext context) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> cData = context.getContextData(); if (cData != null) { Set<String> keys = cData.keySet(); for (String key : keys) { Object value = cData.get(key); System.out.println("key = " + key + ", value = " + value.toString()); } } Object params[] = context.getParameters(); if (params != null) { for (Object param : params) { System.out.println(" param = " + param.toString()); } } System.out.println("context.getTarget() = " + context.getTarget()); System.out.println("context.getTimer() = " + context.getTimer()); String currentThreadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); System.out.println("currentThreadName = " + currentThreadName); System.out.println("--------------------------" + context.getMethod()); return context.proceed(); } }
Everything is null or empty.
I found some forums that told it is possible to get ip address from Thread name , but in my case is doesn't work. Thread name is like : "default task-14"
Task is very easy : I want check that remote client username has permission to call beans from that ip addres .... I want set up username and ip address mapping by myself.
Please hint any solution.
Best Regards.