1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 20, 2017 4:15 AM by tomjenkinson

    Slow performance spring.io flow from ActiveMQ to OracleAQ with XA


      I have a Spring integration flow which bridges from ActiveMQ to OracleAQ.

      See example project under GitHub - cknzl2014/springio-ora-xa.


      When I run it without XA, it is blazingly fast.

      With XA, it processes only 1 to 2 messages per second.

      When profiling the application, I see that for every message a new physical connection is established, and with this, the metadata query is issued.

      But I don't understand why it does this, and how I can prevent this from happening.


      Does anyone of you guys have experience with OracleAQ and XA?

      Could this be a problem with the XA transaction manager?


      Thanks for your help,
