1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 29, 2017 1:44 PM by gastaldi

    How to run CLI on windows?


      I am trying to run forge 3.7.2 on Windows 10 command line (using forge.bat).  I have set up FORGE_HOME, PATH and removed previous ~/.forge files.  When I open a windows command terminal and type "forge" I get the following:

      Using Forge at D:\Apps\forge-distribution-3.7.2.Final




         |  ___|__  _ __ __ _  ___

         | |_ / _ \| `__/ _` |/ _ \  \\

         |  _| (_) | | | (_| |  __/  //

         |_|  \___/|_|  \__, |\___|




      JBoss Forge, version [ 3.7.2.Final ] - JBoss, by Red Hat, Inc. [ http://forge.jboss.org ]

      Hit '<TAB>' for a list of available commands and 'man [cmd]' for help on a specific command.



      To quit the shell, type 'exit'.



      \ [0G [2K [;39;49m[userName]$  [0G [2K [;39;49m[userName]$


      Typing tab just gives a tab (as opposed to tab-completion), and in general the terminal is unusable.


      In earlier versions of forge/windows, all of this worked.


      As well, the forge console in JBoss tools just is a blank page with no functionality (also on windows 10).