I want to add the JMSTimestamp filter to retrieve the messages of queue,
the code I wrote like as
final ModelNode listQueueOperation = createModelNode(); listQueueOperation.get(ClientConstants.OP).set("list-messages-as-json(filter=JMSTimestamp > "+startedTime+")"); addQueueAddress(listQueueOperation,queueName); //execute
it reports error
No operation named 'list-messages-as-json(filter=JMSTimestamp > 1512350812
632)' exists at address [
(\"subsystem\" => \"messaging\"),
(\"hornetq-server\" => \"default\"),
(\"jms-queue\" => \"ClusteredFirstDLQ\")
I could run the CLI command as "/subsystem=messaging/hornetq-server=default/jms-queue=ClusteredFirstDLQ/:list-messages-as-json(filter=JMSTimestamp>1512355815613)" successfully,
Could anybody give me an example to add this filter?
This is really a question for the Wildfly community. All of this management code comes from Wildfly (or JBoss AS7) and not from HornetQ.