4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 26, 2018 6:28 AM by geturner

    Need help on configuring specific attributes of messaging topics


      The docs are very confusing for this, as many still point to the hornet or jboss versions.

      Here is what I currently have in standalone-full.xml:

      <address-setting name="jms.topic.Clients" address-full-policy="DROP"/>

      <address-setting name="Clients" address-full-policy="DROP"/>

      <address-setting name="jms.topic.SitePenSSEInitial" address-full-policy="PAGE" page-size-bytes="10485760"/>

      <address-setting name="SitePenSSEInitial" address-full-policy="PAGE" page-size-bytes="10485760"/>

      <address-setting name="#" dead-letter-address="jms.queue.DLQ" expiry-address="jms.queue.ExpiryQueue" max-size-bytes="104857600"
         message-counter-history-day-limit="10" address-full-policy="BLOCK"/>


      It should make sense what I am "trying" to do, but it is not clear if "name" should be the "jms.topc.xxxx" value, OR, just the topic name itself.

      And the docs say that name should be a wildcard like "#", but I need different topics to either PAGE or DROP, I don't want these topics to BLOCK.


      Any help from someone who has ACTUALLY DONE THIS would be great.  If you are just pointing me to docs, please don't bother.