I want to do rolling upgrades from infinispan 8.2.8 to the infinispan 9.2. I am looking at the infinispan 9.2 documentation regarding rolling upgrades in the library/embedded mode [1].
I had some issues to have the migration with 'cli' migrator working. Indeed, when I am looking at the source code of CLInterfaceTargetMigrator, I see that it expects the keys available in the "___MigrationManager_CLI_KnownKeys___" . However it seems that class CLInterfaceSourceMigrator was available in infinispan 6.X here: infinispan/CLInterfaceSourceMigrator.java at 6.0.x · infinispan/infinispan · GitHub but in infinispan 7.X and newer, it's not available anymore.
So am I understand correctly, that migration with 'cli' migrator is possible just from infinispan 6.X or older? If yes, should the documentation be updated with that information? Finally, is there any alternative for rolling upgrade in library/embedded mode or is rolling upgrade supported just in server mode through HotRod or REST?