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1. Re: How can I create a proces from another one.
abhijithumbe Feb 7, 2018 11:39 PM (in response to peeyar)elaborate more on your query
2. Re: How can I create a proces from another one.
peeyar Feb 8, 2018 5:21 PM (in response to abhijithumbe)I have a use case where process A will be triggering process B . It also need to pass a custom object to B to process. How do I model this using BPMN and how to handle this in JBPM..?
3. Re: How can I create a proces from another one.
abhijithumbe Feb 12, 2018 5:33 AM (in response to peeyar)If you are triggering process-B through any sub-process node then you can pass variables through data mapping available in Sub-Porocess node.