1. Re: Oracle Universal Connection Pool (UCP) with JBOSS or Wildfly
andey Feb 22, 2018 12:42 AM (in response to arichards)Wildfly/ JBoss EAP 6 and 7 use the JDBC API to access databases using JDBC 4.x compliant drivers supplied by database vendors. These drivers must adhere to the JDBC 4.x specification, although some vendors provide additional proprietary features. Fast Connection Failover (FCF) is one of these features.
To gain access to Oracle's connection caching and FCF with Oracle RAC, you must use Oracle Universal Connection Pool (UCP). However, Oracle's UCP is neither tested nor certified by Red Hat at this point and will not be supported in Wildfly/JBoss EAP 6/7. An RFE (request for enhancement) was logged for possible inclusion in EAP 7 but this has not been scheduled nor committed to by Product Management at this time.
However, JBoss EAP/Wildfly does provide support for load-balancing and failover with Oracle RAC by using vendor-special features that are transparent to the application server to which they are deployed. For example, you can supply a detailed URL to the Oracle JDBC driver and the driver will provide transparent load-balancing and fail-over. The following is an example URL that provides load-balancing and fail-over.
<xa-datasource-property name="URL">jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(LOAD_BALANCE=ON)(FAILOVER=ON)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=my.host1.org)(PORT=1521))(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=my.host2.org)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=servjboss)(failover_mode=(type=select)(method=basic)))</xa-datasource-property>
See the below Supporting documentation:
Configuring Fast Connection Failover
2. Re: Oracle Universal Connection Pool (UCP) with JBOSS or Wildfly
arichards Feb 23, 2018 4:45 PM (in response to andey)Anup Dey.
I appreciate your reply. As your response indicates, jboss does not support using the UCP pooling which as additional features including Oracle ONS. Your suggestion could be used as a compromise.
My original post and the reference to attempting to use UCP as a JBOSS Service or Managed Bean seems like a possible alternative. Which is what I am hoping for.
3. Re: Oracle Universal Connection Pool (UCP) with JBOSS or Wildfly
ibre5041 Mar 21, 2018 4:10 PM (in response to andey)andey wrote:
<xa-datasource-property name="URL">jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(LOAD_BALANCE=ON)(FAILOVER=ON)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=my.host1.org)(PORT=1521))(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=my.host2.org)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=servjboss)(failover_mode=(type=select)(method=basic)))</xa-datasource-property>
See the below Supporting documentation:
Configuring Fast Connection Failover
It is not correct, you mix two mechanisms.
TAF - failover_mode=(type=select)(method=basic)) this is *only* available when using OCI drivers. Or possibly JDBC/OCI driver. It is *not* supported by JDBC thin drivers.
FCF - is something different. It does not work on "connection" level but on "connection pool" level. FYI FCF section was removed JDBC documentation and was moved into UCP docs.