1. Re: Help Bootstrapping StrutsTestCase in Junit
mkouba Feb 26, 2018 2:56 AM (in response to gbuckholtz)Hi Glenn,
in Weld SE you can obtain the BeanManager using e.g.
, or even in a portable way:CDI.current().getBeanManager()
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2. Re: Help Bootstrapping StrutsTestCase in Junit
gbuckholtz Feb 26, 2018 8:04 AM (in response to mkouba)That's what I am hoping to do. The thing I can't get is a running weld container.
I think I have narrowed it down to the test fixture I am using for struts. The StrutsTestCase extends TestCase, the junit3 way of doing things. That means junit annotations don't work. The @rule for starting weld using the WeldInitiator won’t work because it relies on its apply method to be called to complete creation of the weld container.
I am going to modify the StrutsTestCase that came with Struts and make it Junit4 (don’t extend TestCase) and put in the appropriate annotations and hopefully that will work!
If I am completely wrong about this and there is an easier way to get a weld container I would love to know.
Thanks for the quick reply!
3. Re: Help Bootstrapping StrutsTestCase in Junit
mkouba Feb 26, 2018 8:11 AM (in response to gbuckholtz)1 of 1 people found this helpfulI see. Well, weld-junit only supports JUnit 4 and JUnit 5. However, you can use Weld SE programmatic bootstrap API to start/stop the container: Chapter 17. Application servers and environments supported by Weld.
4. Re: Help Bootstrapping StrutsTestCase in Junit
gbuckholtz Feb 26, 2018 8:44 AM (in response to mkouba)Thanks for the link!
I will give that a try first.
I have an ejb in my test. Is it going to be a problem if I don’t use the WebInitiator will I be able to attach the EJB factory?
5. Re: Help Bootstrapping StrutsTestCase in Junit
mkouba Feb 26, 2018 9:40 AM (in response to gbuckholtz)If you don't use weld-unit you would have to implement your own EjbInjectionServices in order to be able to resolve @EJB injection points, e.g. something like weld-junit/MockEjbInjectionServices.java at master · weld/weld-junit · GitHub and register it e.g. through
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6. Re: Help Bootstrapping StrutsTestCase in Junit
gbuckholtz Feb 26, 2018 9:46 AM (in response to mkouba)Sounds like it is going to be easier to modify the Struts Junit base class. I tried your suggestion of creating an instance of Weld and then getting a container from the initialize method. It ended up failing with a Java lang error: Enclosing method not found.
Also I believe the default behaviour of weld is to crawl the whole class path looking for injection points. It was taking a crazy long time looking and was spitting out tons of ClassNotFoundExceptions.
If my Junit thing doesn’t work I will try your latest suggestion.
Thanks for your help!
7. Re: Help Bootstrapping StrutsTestCase in Junit
gbuckholtz Feb 26, 2018 10:25 AM (in response to mkouba)I know this is more of a Junit question but it pertains to weld-unit. Do you know then the apply() method is called in the @Rule lifecycle? I have made my StrutsTestCase to be Junit4 by not extending TestCase and putting in the appropriate annotations.
8. Re: Help Bootstrapping StrutsTestCase in Junit
gbuckholtz Feb 26, 2018 11:47 AM (in response to mkouba)1 of 1 people found this helpfulI have constructed this rule:
public WeldInitiator weld4 = WeldInitiator.from(WeldInitiator.createWeld()).setEjbFactory(ip -> new MockInstructorSessionBean()).build()
I am hoping it is saying:
Create a Weld instance
Set the EJB factory to be MockInstructorSessionBean
Build me a WeldInitiator with these settings.
I am getting WELD-ENV-002009: Weld SE container cannot be initialized - no bean archives found which I can see because I have not asked for a specific bean to Inject and there is no jar file to parse for injection points.
Is there a better way to get the WeldInitiator? Once I get the WeldInitiator then I can do the getBeanManager().
9. Re: Help Bootstrapping StrutsTestCase in Junit
mkouba Feb 27, 2018 2:36 AM (in response to gbuckholtz)1 of 1 people found this helpfulWell, this error simply states that there are no bean archives found and thus no bean definitions available. In other words, it does not make sense to start the CDI container at all. You need to specify what beans should be tested, i.e. available from the BeanManager. By default, WeldInitiator does not perform the automatic bean discovery. Instead, only specific bean classes (classes under the test) are considered. E.g.
WeldInitiator.from(FooCDIBean.class).setEjbFactory(ip -> new MockInstructorSessionBean()).build()
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10. Re: Help Bootstrapping StrutsTestCase in Junit
gbuckholtz Feb 27, 2018 6:31 PM (in response to gbuckholtz)Thanks so much for your help Martin!
I was able to get my unit test to create a struts2 action. After I got the WeldInitiator started I included the test class using .inject(this), and was able to simply inject the BeanManager! Worked like a charm! My mock InitialContext just spit that BeanManager out when asked for the CDI JNDI resource. Then Struts2 was able to plug that BeanManager in as its injection engine.
11. Re: Help Bootstrapping StrutsTestCase in Junit
mkouba Feb 28, 2018 2:22 AM (in response to gbuckholtz)I'm glad it works for you!