1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 26, 2018 5:04 PM by jewellgm

    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.ejb.EntityManagerImpl


      I want to port a war file to JBoss 7.1. I deployed the existing war file, but got an exception:


      Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hibernate/ejb/EntityManagerImpl


      at com.hp.dtag.pmo.SchemaCreator.setEm(SchemaCreator.java:71)


      at com.hp.dtag.pmo.portlet.dummy.InitializeDummyData.init(InitializeDummyData.java:50)



      The code in SchemaCreator is as follows:


      public void setEm(EntityManager em){


              if (em.getDelegate() instanceof Session) {


                  s = (Session)em.getDelegate();




              if (em.getDelegate() instanceof EntityManagerImpl){


                  s = ((EntityManagerImpl)em.getDelegate()).getSession();







      I have the dependency to the hibernate entitymanager in the pom:












      Why doesn't JBoss find the EntityManagerImpl?