1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 23, 2018 10:05 AM by gsa2711

    How to change tmp folder location, used by server for WAR's needs and file upload?


      I use a WildFly 10 on Linux. There are several WARs and EARs deployed on this server. One of them lets an end user upload patches to the server. A <t:inputFileUpload> (tomahawk.jar by Apache) is used for this action. At the first step, a patch file is uploaded to the /tmp/. Then it's copied or deployed to the $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/tmp/appName.war/. But there is not a lot of free space in /opt/ folder and if the user uploads a big patch a "No space left on device" java.io.IOException appears. How can I specify that the server must use another folder instead of $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/tmp/appName.war/? Thanks in advance.