1. Re: how to use ExecutorService in webapp
jamezp Jun 11, 2018 2:28 PM (in response to hchenkwi)It's probably best to use the Java EE 7 concurrency utilities which will allow an executor to be injected. For some details see 56 Concurrency Utilities for Java EE (Release 7) . There's also an example in the WildFly quickstarts.
James R. Perkins
2. Re: how to use ExecutorService in webapp
hchenkwi Jun 13, 2018 8:51 AM (in response to jamezp)Thanks. I'll try it. Helen
3. Re: how to use ExecutorService in webapp
hchenkwi Jun 15, 2018 11:13 AM (in response to hchenkwi)Hi James,
This quickstarts tutorial set is big. I don't quite get it.
To use Managed Executor Service, I would like to be able to specify the ThreadFactory (like customize thread priority, thread pool name), and maybe core_pool_size....
I'm not sure if I need to create my own customized ThreadFactory for configuration. And I don't know how to configure Wildfly for the customized Executor service, and how to specify the Managed Executor service at injection time.
o you know any example or document that can focus on this area, so I can go through and play with example for understanding?
I'm using Wildfly 10 on Solaris 10.
Thanks, Helen
4. Re: how to use ExecutorService in webapp
jamezp Jun 18, 2018 11:43 AM (in response to hchenkwi)1 of 1 people found this helpfulHi Helen,
There is some documentation on how it works in the WildFly documentation. The easiest way to configure it would probably be in the web console. There is a way to configure different thread factories.
If you're interesting in using CLI you can see the model here.
James R. Perkins
5. Re: how to use ExecutorService in webapp
hchenkwi Sep 22, 2018 10:45 PM (in response to jamezp)Hi James, thanks for your info. I finally got back to this and I think I made Managed Executor Service work.
I have some questions raised from load test. the following are what I added to standalone.xml file.
<managed-thread-factory name="UploadThreadFactory" jndi-name="java:jboss/ee/concurrency/factory/uploadThreadFactory"/>
<managed-executor-service name="UploadManagedExecutor" Jodi-name="java:jboss/ee/concurrency/executor/uploadManagedExecutor" context-service="default" thread-factory="UploadThreadFactory" hung-task-threshold="60000" core-thread="5" max-thread="100" keep-alive-time="5000" queue-length="500"/>
when the system is not busy, I don't want to pool to have too many idle threads there, so I set core-thread=5, I'm thinking the rest can be queued up and then processed. But from load test with 50 concurrent user, the throughput is low, like 4.7, meaning there are about 4.7 requests got response. I think this is because of parameter core-thread set to low.
but if I set the core-thread high like 100, then that means when system is not busy, there will be 100 idle threads in the pool. Is this good? I prefer that when system not busy, the idle core thread can also be terminated, this way there won't be too many idle threads staying in the pool.
ThreadPoolExecutor has a method "allowCoreThreadTimeOut". I don't see it in Wildly ManagedExecutorService configuration.
is there anyway I can turn this "allowCoreThreadTimeOut" on? this way I can set core-thread high without worrying too many idle thread in the pool, and also when too many requests coming in, it can handle the requests quicker.
it is also possible that my understanding for ManagedExecutorService parameters are wrong. Does anyone have any suggestion how to set parameters to handle both heavy load and light load without too many idle threads left int he pool?
Does anyone have any suggestion like usually in production environment, what value range should be set for each parameters, like core-thread, max-thread, queue-length, keep-alive-time...
I actually don't know usually how many threads running in production environment, so I don't know what value range to start to play with parameters.
Thanks a lot,
6. Re: how to use ExecutorService in webapp
jamezp Sep 24, 2018 11:39 AM (in response to hchenkwi)Hi Helen,
It doesn't look like there is a way to set the allow core thread time out. It looks like the ManagedThreadPoolExecutor has a setThreadLifeTime as well that's not exposed which sets the value to true. This does seem like something reasonable to expose. Feel free to file a JIRA to expose a feature like this.
As far as what a good setting is, it just depends. I'm definitely not a pro at tuning
James R. Perkins
7. Re: how to use ExecutorService in webapp
hchenkwi Oct 1, 2018 11:42 AM (in response to jamezp)Hi James,
Thanks a lot for the documents and help.