2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 16, 2018 11:31 AM by stephan_b

    WildFly 8.2.1 jsp logging question


      I can't seem to get logging straight in WildFly. I am trying to migrate a really old deployment from WebLogic to WildFly, but the log.info() and log.debug() statements riddled throughout those don't seem to end up anywhere.


      The log.debug() messages from the Java classes work, but the jsp messages seem to end up in a deep hole somewhere.


      is there something WildFly specific that I am missing? I tried setting every conceivable logger in standalone-full-ha.xml to DEBUG with no success.

      I added a logger for category="jsp_servlet", because that's how we caught them in WebLogic, with no success.


      I tried this with a packaged log4j.properties file, and without. I've tried it with including the log4j jar in my deployment, and without.

      I tried a minimal log4j.properties (default from the log4j site), and the one originally packaged with the deployment, with no success.


      What am I missing?

        • 1. Re: WildFly 8.2.1 jsp logging question

          Bumping this one up. I still need this resolved.


          The jsps contain

               <%@page import="org.apache.log4j.Logger"%>

               Logger __log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());


          and then subsequent lines like this:

               __log.debug("test message");


          Where do these messages end up??

          • 2. Re: WildFly 8.2.1 jsp logging question

            It appears that WildFly's "this.getClass().getName()" returns strings in the "org.apache.jsp.*" range:


            2018-10-16 11:26:19,832 DEBUG [org.apache.jsp.enroll.GetBiometrics_jsp] (default task-23) Biometric: 'fingerprint'


            So, for anyone after me who struggles with this issue, add the following logger to the standalone-ha.xml or standalone.xml:


                        <logger category="org.apache.jsp">

                            <level name="DEBUG"/>
