Hi folks,
I'm trying to create a set of dockers containers via Arquillian Cube and to link them with a docker network.
The problem is that after the test executes, and the docker containers are removed, the network is not removed/pruned, and any new test execution will end up with an exception.
- exception received : BadRequestException: network is ambiguous (2 matches found on name)
Yaml configuration file used :
networks: my-network: driver: bridge tomcat: #configuration networkMode: my-network db: image: mariadb await: strategy: polling portBindings: [3306/tcp] exposedPorts: [3306/tcp] env: [MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=test4] networkMode: my-network amqp: image: docker/rabbitmq:3.6-management await: strategy: polling portBindings: [5672/tcp,15672/tcp] exposedPorts: [5672/tcp,15672/tcp] networkMode: my-network
Can you please indicate the proper configuration in Arquilllian Cube which should prune/remove the network after the test finishes ?