5 Replies Latest reply on Oct 31, 2018 6:05 AM by mbabacek

    mod_cluster Windows binaries for current httpd 2.4.x




      Is there any recommended place from where to download mod_cluster binaries compiled for httpd 2.4.x on Windows? The official site has mod_cluster 1.3.1 binaries, which is awesome but I would like to find binaries for newer mod_cluster versions and which are compiled for current httpd 2.4.x releases (the mentioned mod_cluster binaries were compiled for httpd 2.4.10).


      With the official binaries, installed on httpd 2.4.37, I receive the following warning when starting httpd:

      "httpd version 2.4.37 doesn't match version 2.4.10 used by mod_proxy_cluster.c"


      If there isn't any recommended binaries repository for Windows, is there a recommended place with building instructions?


      Thanks in advance,

      Filipe Ildefonso